Итак, ключевые раздачи сателлита, принесшего поездку на один из Карибских островов.
***** Hand History for Game 1111111111 ***** (On Game)
Tourney Hand NL Texas Hold'em - Monday, February 02, 01:25:50 ET 2015
Table Table 6 427405756 (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Seat 1: Player1 ( 40752 ) - VPIP: 21, PFR: 13, 3B: 5, AF: 3,8, Hands: 2953
Seat 2: Hero ( 54288 ) - VPIP: 28, PFR: 19, 3B: 6, AF: 2,1, Hands: 293157
Seat 3: Player3 ( 13759 ) - VPIP: 11, PFR: 6, 3B: 2, AF: 0,0, Hands: 143
Seat 4: Player4 ( 14087 ) - VPIP: 18, PFR: 14, 3B: 5, AF: 2,4, Hands: 266
Seat 5: Player5 ( 34184 ) - VPIP: 18, PFR: 12, 3B: 3, AF: 2,4, Hands: 239
Seat 6: Player6 ( 65976 ) - VPIP: 29, PFR: 11, 3B: 4, AF: 2,1, Hands: 202
Seat 7: Player7 ( 15053 ) - VPIP: 24, PFR: 14, 3B: 5, AF: 2,3, Hands: 883
Seat 8: Player8 ( 17660 ) - VPIP: 10, PFR: 8, 3B: 2, AF: 5,0, Hands: 119
Seat 9: Player9 ( 35241 ) - VPIP: 36, PFR: 19, 3B: 8, AF: 3,2, Hands: 568
No Limit Holdem Tournament
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by
weaktight.com Stacks: UTG Player9 (
35,241) 22bb
UTG+1 Player1 (40,752) 25bb MP1 pavlentiypro (54,288) 34bb MP2 Player3 (
13,759) 9bb
MP3 Player4 (
14,087) 9bb
CO Player5 (
34,184) 21bb
BTN Player6 (
65,976) 41bb
SB Player7 (
15,053) 9bb
BB Player8 (
17,660) 11bb
Blinds: 800/1,600 Ante 160
Pre-Flop: (
3,840, 9 players)
pavlentiypro is MP1 K

1 fold,
Player1 raises to 3,200, pavlentiypro calls 3,200,
6 folds Flop: 3



10,240, 2 players)
Player1 bets 4,155, pavlentiypro calls 4,155
Turn: 9

18,550, 2 players)
Player1 bets 12,650, pavlentiypro calls 12,650
River: Q

43,850, 2 players)
Player1 bets 20,587, pavlentiypro calls 20,587
Final Pot: 85,024 Player1 shows

Player1 wins
85,024 (net +
44,272) После вот таких сдач на других концах планеты явно слышался отборный мат. Оппонент был наказан ГСЧ за неправильный колл.
No Limit Holdem Tournament
7 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by
weaktight.com Stacks: UTG Player1 (
78k) 39bb
UTG+1 pavlentiypro (35k) 18bb MP Player4 (
24k) 12bb
CO Player5 (
22k) 11bb
BTN Player6 (
70k) 35bb
SB Player7 (
17k) 9bb
BB Player9 (45k) 22bb Blinds: 1k/2k Ante 200
Pre-Flop: (
4.4k, 7 players)
pavlentiypro is UTG+1 Q

1 fold,
pavlentiypro goes all-in 35k,
4 folds, Player9 calls 33k
Flop: 7



72k, 2 players, 1 all-in)
Turn: 9

72k, 2 players, 1 all-in)
River: J

72k, 2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: 72k pavlentiypro shows

Player9 shows

pavlentiypro wins
72k (net +
37k) Player9 lost
35kПодлый и циничный трибетпуш по динамике. Научили же плохому!
***** Hand History for Game 1111111111 ***** (On Game)
Tourney Hand NL Texas Hold'em - Monday, February 02, 12:51:36 ET 2015
Table Table 5 427405755 (Real Money)
Seat 3 is the button
Seat 2: Player2 ( 17624 ) - VPIP: 45, PFR: 21, 3B: 5, AF: 1,5, Hands: 288
Seat 3: Player3 ( 23975 ) - VPIP: 26, PFR: 16, 3B: 5, AF: 2,2, Hands: 802
Seat 4: Player4 ( 33978 ) - VPIP: 21, PFR: 13, 3B: 5, AF: 3,8, Hands: 2953
Seat 5: Hero ( 23224 ) - VPIP: 28, PFR: 19, 3B: 6, AF: 2,1, Hands: 293157
Seat 6: Player6 ( 28738 ) - VPIP: 18, PFR: 12, 3B: 3, AF: 2,4, Hands: 239
Seat 8: Player8 ( 6110 ) - VPIP: 14, PFR: 10, 3B: 5, AF: 1,0, Hands: 163
Seat 9: Player9 ( 12660 ) - VPIP: 10, PFR: 8, 3B: 2, AF: 5,0, Hands: 119
Player4 posts ante of [100].
Hero posts ante of [100].
Player6 posts ante of [100].
Player8 posts ante of [100].
Player9 posts ante of [100].
Player2 posts ante of [100].
Player3 posts ante of [100].
Player4 posts small blind [500].
Hero posts big blind [1000].
No Limit Holdem Tournament
7 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by
weaktight.com Stacks: UTG Player6 (
28,738) 29bb
UTG+1 Player8 (
6,110) 6bb
MP Player9 (
12,660) 13bb
CO Player2 (
17,624) 18bb
BTN Player3 (23,975) 24bb SB Player4 (
33,978) 34bb
BB pavlentiypro (23,224) 23bb Blinds: 500/1,000 Ante 100
Pre-Flop: (
2,200, 7 players)
pavlentiypro is BB Q

4 folds,
Player3 raises to 2,000,
1 fold,
pavlentiypro goes all-in 23,124, Player3 calls 21,124
Flop: 6



47,448, 2 players, 1 all-in)
Turn: A

47,448, 2 players, 1 all-in)
River: K

47,448, 2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: 47,448 Player3 shows

pavlentiypro shows

pavlentiypro wins
47,448 (net +
24,224) Player3 lost
23,224 Ривер знает, за кого играть!
***** Hand History for Game 1111111111 ***** (On Game)
Tourney Hand NL Texas Hold'em - Monday, February 02, 01:49:29 ET 2015
Table Table 6 427405756 (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Seat 1: Player1 ( 78844 ) - VPIP: 21, PFR: 13, 3B: 5, AF: 3,8, Hands: 2953
Seat 2: Hero ( 63032 ) - VPIP: 28, PFR: 19, 3B: 6, AF: 2,1, Hands: 293157
Seat 4: Player4 ( 32006 ) - VPIP: 18, PFR: 14, 3B: 5, AF: 2,4, Hands: 266
Seat 5: Player5 ( 17064 ) - VPIP: 18, PFR: 12, 3B: 3, AF: 2,4, Hands: 239
Seat 6: Player6 ( 69496 ) - VPIP: 29, PFR: 11, 3B: 4, AF: 2,1, Hands: 202
Seat 7: Player7 ( 20493 ) - VPIP: 24, PFR: 14, 3B: 5, AF: 2,3, Hands: 883
Seat 9: Player9 ( 10065 ) - VPIP: 36, PFR: 19, 3B: 8, AF: 3,2, Hands: 568
Player1 posts ante of [200].
Hero posts ante of [200].
Player4 posts ante of [200].
Player5 posts ante of [200].
Player6 posts ante of [200].
Player7 posts ante of [200].
Player9 posts ante of [200].
Player1 posts small blind [1000].
Hero posts big blind [2000].
No Limit Holdem Tournament
7 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by
weaktight.com Stacks: UTG Player4 (
32k) 16bb
UTG+1 Player5 (
17k) 9bb
MP Player6 (69k) 35bb CO Player7 (
20k) 10bb
BTN Player9 (10k) 5bb SB Player1 (
79k) 39bb
BB pavlentiypro (63k) 32bb Blinds: 1k/2k Ante 200
Pre-Flop: (
4.4k, 7 players)
pavlentiypro is BB 10

2 folds, Player6 calls 2k,
1 fold, Player9 calls 2k,
1 fold, pavlentiypro checks
Flop: 10



8.4k, 3 players)
pavlentiypro checks,
Player6 bets 2k, Player9 calls 2k, pavlentiypro calls 2k
Turn: A

14k, 3 players)
pavlentiypro checks, Player6 checks, Player9 checks
River: 8

14k, 3 players)
pavlentiypro bets 5k, Player6 calls 5k,
Player9 goes all-in 5.9k, pavlentiypro calls 865, Player6 calls 865
Final Pot: 32k pavlentiypro shows

Player9 shows

pavlentiypro wins
32k (net +
22k) Player6 lost
10k Player9 lost
10k Слава регу! Порадовал стандартный в целом трибетпуш с СБ.
$400/$800 Ante $80 No Limit Holdem
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by
weaktight.com Stacks: UTG nikostsou77 (
$15,108) 19bb
UTG+1 qba_lomza (
$25,973) 32bb
MP1 Ewa.Gryzb (
$6,828) 9bb
MP2 peris1977 (
$29,778) 37bb
MP3 PatBoone (
$25,183) 31bb
CO pavlentiypro ($15,036) 19bb BTN TrollPappa (
$38,323) 48bb
SB 2bling4uxx ($9,508) 12bb BB HUwithHUGO (
$6,625) 8bb
Pre-Flop: (
$1,920, 9 players)
pavlentiypro is CO 10

5 folds,
pavlentiypro raises to $1,800,
1 fold,
2bling4uxx goes all-in $9,428,
1 fold, pavlentiypro calls $7,628
Flop: 10



$20,376, 2 players, 1 all-in)
Turn: A

$20,376, 2 players, 1 all-in)
River: J

$20,376, 2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: $20,376 pavlentiypro shows THREE_OF_A_KIND TEN

2bling4uxx shows PAIR ACE

pavlentiypro wins
$20,376 (net +
$10,868) 2bling4uxx lost
$9,508 Вот ещё несколько бодрых по динамике.
$1k/$2k Ante $200 No Limit Holdem
7 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by
weaktight.com Stacks: UTG 25111989 (
$74k) 37bb
UTG+1 Okeydude1 (
$20k) 10bb
MP ShortOfChips ($50k) 25bb CO PatBoone (
$79k) 39bb
BTN pavlentiypro ($22k) 11bb SB qba_lomza (
$21k) 10bb
BB TrollPappa (
$25k) 13bb
Pre-Flop: (
$4.4k, 7 players)
pavlentiypro is BTN 7

2 folds,
ShortOfChips raises to $5k,
1 fold,
pavlentiypro goes all-in $22k,
2 folds,
ShortOfChips folds Final Pot: $14k pavlentiypro wins
$31k (net +
$9.2k) ShortOfChips lost
$5.2k Куда ж ты стилишь со своим мусором!?
$600/$1200 Ante $120 No Limit Holdem
9 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by
weaktight.com Stacks: UTG Monachoislet (
$13,879) 12bb
UTG+1 qba_lomza (
$18,793) 16bb
MP1 TrollPappa (
$28,038) 23bb
MP2 25111989 (
$64,736) 54bb
MP3 Okeydude1 (
$20,493) 17bb
CO nikostsou77 (
$21,260) 18bb
BTN ShortOfChips (
$23,001) 19bb
SB PatBoone ($46,272) 39bb BB pavlentiypro ($54,528) 45bb Pre-Flop: (
$2,880, 9 players)
pavlentiypro is BB 10

7 folds,
PatBoone raises to $3,600,
pavlentiypro raises to $7,800,
PatBoone folds Final Pot: $8,280 pavlentiypro wins
$12,480 (net +
$4,560) PatBoone lost
$3,720Выводы - кто не рискует, тот не побеждает! Бабушкин покер в таких сателлитах приносит только горечь разочарования. Забавно в них иду, Прага - с первой попытки, Сен-Мартен - с первой, Португалия и Эстония - в пролёте