Всем привет. Сегодня наконец прислали отредактированный вариант перевода правил, за форс-мажор спасибо майл.ру, письма пропадают враз, ну это мелочи, а вот то что мне прислали не особо обрадовало, если коротко, то переводчики почти ничего менять не стали, объяснив всё делом вкуса, типа смысл один и тот же. С ними можно согласится, но не во всём. Впрочем перевод они сделали неплохой, +
Sheval очень помог. Я взял на себя смелость и скомпилировал обе версии, кое-какие поправки взял у
Sheval(не все правда), кое что оставил как было и вот выдаю на ваш суд данный вариант. Если не будет возражений и замечаний, то можно будет считать этот вариант перевода окончательным и тогда с правилами вопрос решён, я надеюсь. (добавил английскую версию в шапку)
Oklahoma Poker (Omaha Poker with discards)
Oklahoma Poker Rules are based on the Omaha rules, although there are some differences.
• Each player is dealt four hole cards. Then the first betting round (pre-flop) starts, that is fully identical to Omaha.
• After the betting, three community cards (the flop) are dealt face up on the table. In the betting round after the flop a player should discard his pocket card (any one he wants) when making his first bet.
• Then a fourth community card (the turn) is dealt. After the turn begins the third betting round. In this round the player should discard one more pocket card, as in the second round of betting.
• Next, the last community card (the river) is dealt. After this the last betting round begins between players still in the game.
The player wins the pot if everyone except him has folded or if he has the strongest hand at the showdown.
In Oklahoma Poker a five-card combination should consist of two pocket cards left and any three out of the five community cards on the table.
Oklahoma Poker Game Process:
1.1. After mandatory bets (the big and the small blinds) are bet, each player is dealt four hole cards, one card per dealing round, starting from the player sitting on the small blind.
1.2. The first betting round. Betting starts with the player sitting right after the big blind (clockwise). He can:
• fold,
• call, or
• raise.
1.3. The next player can take the same actions and he can also re-raise if the previous player raised. The betting round ends when all active players have bet the amount of chips equal to the biggest bet. After the first betting round, the dealer burns the top card from the pack and deals the flop. Then the second round of betting starts.
1.4. The second betting round. The first player after the button begins the action. If he has already folded his hand, the next player after him makes a bet, etc. The player can do the same actions as in the first round of betting plus check and bet. All these actions also apply to all other betting rounds.
The feature of the second (and the third) round of betting is that each active player should discard one of his pocket cards (any one he wants) when making his first bidding in a round.
Next biddings in the second (and the third) rounds stay the same, but without discarding one pocket card.
After this betting round, each active player should have three hole cards.
1.5. The third betting round. The dealer once again burns a card and places the fourth community card (the turn) on the table. Then the third betting round begins. The rules of this round are the same as for the second one.
After the third betting round, each active player should have two hole cards.
1.6. The fourth betting round. One more card is burnt, the fifth and the last card (the river) is placed on the table, and the last betting round takes place. So, in the end, each player has totally seven cards (two hole cards in his hand and five community cards on the table), from which the highest five-card hand combination is composed.
1.7. In Oklahoma Poker the player can compose the best five-card combination only from the two hole cards left in his hand and any three out of five community cards on the board.
1.8. After the river is placed on the table (or when only one player is left in the game), the dealer puts the part of the pack left on the top of folded cards, so he has both hands free to define the strongest combination and to pay the pot to the winner (or winners).
Note: if at any time when dealing, one or more players make an All-in, the play continues acc. to the game rules. These players should discard one of their cards during second and third round anyway. The showdown and determination of a winner (-s) takes place only after the last betting round ends or after the river, if before that all the active players are All-in.
Attention! In the second and the third betting round the first bet of each active player should consist of two actions. At first, the player should discard (any) one of his pocket cards and then make a bet.
By discarding one card the player proves he stays in!
The next player can make a bet only when the previous player has finished these two actions. If the player does not want to stay in, he can fold all his cards to the dealer.
If after making his first bet in the second or the third betting round the player has already discarded one card, he should check, bet, call, raise or re-raise. In this case the player cannot fold since he proved his wish to stay in by discarding one card. He can fold only when making his next move.
p.s. ...ну и потихоньку подготавливаюсь к поездке в Ялту, билеты туда уже взял + заказал от туда. осталось вывести необходимую на поездку сумму из рума и найти жильё в Ялте(пока только присматриваюсь на сайтах аренды). Вот такие пироги.

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