Absolute poker - почувствуй нашу любовь :)

Такая забавная раздача...
Опп- абсолютно неадекватен, несколько раз обыгрывал его на постфлопе... на что он раз 10 вподряд шел олл- ин... Тут я решл его принять... получилось ппц...
Stage #1570044435 Tourney ID 1859667 Holdem Single Tournament No Limit 15 - 2009-04-03 02:55:26 (ET)
Table: 28029453 (Real Money) Seat #4 is the dealer
Seat 4 - WESTENDSLIM (1530 in chips)
Seat 6 - PACCBET (1470 in chips)
WESTENDSLIM - Posts small blind 10
PACCBET - Posts big blind 15
Dealt to PACCBET [9h 9s]
WESTENDSLIM - All-In(Raise) 1520 to 1530
PACCBET - All-In 1455
WESTENDSLIM - returned (60) : not called
*** FLOP *** [Ac Qd Ks]
*** TURN *** [Ac Qd Ks] [9c]
*** RIVER *** [Ac Qd Ks 9c] [Ah]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
WESTENDSLIM - Shows [10s Jh] (Straight, ten to ace)
PACCBET - Shows [9h 9s] (Full house, nines full of aces)
PACCBET Collects 2940 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total Pot(2940)
Board [Ac Qd Ks 9c Ah]
Seat 4: WESTENDSLIM (dealer) (small blind) HI:lost with Straight, ten to ace [10s Jh - B:Ah,B:Ks,B:Qd,P:Jh,P:10s]
Seat 6: PACCBET (big blind) won Total (2940) All-In HI:(2940) with Full house, nines full of aces [9h 9s - P:9s,P:9h,B:9c,B:Ah,B:Ac]
Опп- абсолютно неадекватен, несколько раз обыгрывал его на постфлопе... на что он раз 10 вподряд шел олл- ин... Тут я решл его принять... получилось ппц...
Stage #1570044435 Tourney ID 1859667 Holdem Single Tournament No Limit 15 - 2009-04-03 02:55:26 (ET)
Table: 28029453 (Real Money) Seat #4 is the dealer
Seat 4 - WESTENDSLIM (1530 in chips)
Seat 6 - PACCBET (1470 in chips)
WESTENDSLIM - Posts small blind 10
PACCBET - Posts big blind 15
Dealt to PACCBET [9h 9s]
WESTENDSLIM - All-In(Raise) 1520 to 1530
PACCBET - All-In 1455
WESTENDSLIM - returned (60) : not called
*** FLOP *** [Ac Qd Ks]
*** TURN *** [Ac Qd Ks] [9c]
*** RIVER *** [Ac Qd Ks 9c] [Ah]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
WESTENDSLIM - Shows [10s Jh] (Straight, ten to ace)
PACCBET - Shows [9h 9s] (Full house, nines full of aces)
PACCBET Collects 2940 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total Pot(2940)
Board [Ac Qd Ks 9c Ah]
Seat 4: WESTENDSLIM (dealer) (small blind) HI:lost with Straight, ten to ace [10s Jh - B:Ah,B:Ks,B:Qd,P:Jh,P:10s]
Seat 6: PACCBET (big blind) won Total (2940) All-In HI:(2940) with Full house, nines full of aces [9h 9s - P:9s,P:9h,B:9c,B:Ah,B:Ac]