Блокирнули Акк на ФТ

Кто нить может более менее сносно перевести что тут написано. Я вроде понял, но хочу убедится что от меня хотят.
Hello Alexandr,
We have received recent activity on our site against Visa #XXXXXXXXXXXX5402. To uphold the integrity of Full Tilt Poker, we must verify your identity and ownership of this
credit card.
To verify your account, please send us scanned clear copies of each of these three documents to security@fulltiltpoker.com:
1) Photo ID: One of the following: Valid driver's license, passport, or other government-issued ID that clearly shows your date of birth and the ID?s date of issue/expiry.
2) Proof of card ownership #1: The front of the credit card listed above.
3) Proof of card ownership #2: Copy of bank statement displaying the deposits made to Full Tilt Poker. If you bank online and do not receive hard copies, then a screenshot
of the statement requested will also suffice.
* Copies must be clear and legible (400 DPI or higher recommended for scanned copies).
* Only full page documents accepted (bill/pay stubs, folded papers and partial sections do not apply).
* Email attachments cannot exceed 3 MB and must be in JPEG (.jpg) format or PDF (.pdf) format.
* Digital photos of the documents are accepted.
Please remember that your Full Tilt Poker account has been disabled and will remain so until we have received all three requested documents in a clear, legible format.
We appreciate your assistance and look forward to receiving all of your documentation so that we may expedite reactivating your account.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Chris F
Security and Fraud
Full Tilt Poker
Please remember never to give out your password or enter
account details over the Internet. Full Tilt Poker staff will
never ask you for your password. For your security, always
keep this information a secret.
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