Я так сыграл лол)))
Table #43971222 - Tournament #25379218 Table #39
Starting Hand #2035587917
Start time of hand: 17 Mar 2012 21:52:47
Last Hand #2035587081
Game Type: HOLD'EM
Limit Type: NO LIMIT
Blinds are now 1,250 / 2,500
Button is at seat 7
Seat 1: MH1369 - 14,866
Seat 2: badthing68 - 1,781
Seat 3: kovandy51 - 26,956
Seat 4: Ximon1975 - 30,391
Seat 5: Pani4er - 15,775
Seat 6: hercul44 - 25,851
Seat 7: 00jack541t - 28,434
Seat 8: beata76 - 184
Seat 9: roxyromy - 26,770
Seat 10: evelienk - 57,859Shuffling Deck
Moving Button to seat 8
MH1369 posts ante of 250
badthing68 posts ante of 250
kovandy51 posts ante of 250
Ximon1975 posts ante of 250
Pani4er posts ante of 250
hercul44 posts ante of 250
00jack541t posts ante of 250
beata76 posts ante of 184 (all-in)
roxyromy posts ante of 250
evelienk posts ante of 250
Pot sizes: 1,840
Pot sizes: 594
roxyromy posts small blind (1,250)
evelienk posts big blind (2,500)
Dealing Cards
Dealing [8 h][7 h] to Pani4erMH1369 folds
badthing68 calls 1,531 (all-in)kovandy51 did not respond in time and is folded
kovandy51 folds
Ximon1975 folds
Pani4er calls 2,500hercul44 raises to 10,000
00jack541t calls 10,000roxyromy folds
evelienk folds
Pani4er calls 10,000(перед тем как заколит, крутанул свой лудошар "духи говорят да"Pot sizes: 1,840
Pot sizes: 9,499
Pot sizes: 26,376
Dealing Flop [6 c][8 c][9 d] (на флопе я уже угарал и чувствовал что все будет))))
)Pani4er checks
hercul44 bets 15,601 (all-in)
00jack541t calls 15,601
Pani4er calls 5,525 (all-in)Pot sizes: 1,840
Pot sizes: 9,499
Pot sizes: 42,951
Pot sizes: 20,152
badthing68 shows [A s][A d]
Pani4er shows [8 h][7 h]
hercul44 shows [Q h][Q c]
00jack541t shows [6 d][6 s]
beata76 shows [5 s][K c]
Dealing Turn [5 h]Pot sizes: 1,840
Pot sizes: 9,499
Pot sizes: 42,951
Pot sizes: 20,152
Dealing River [4 c]Pot sizes: 1,840
Pot sizes: 9,499
Pot sizes: 42,951
Pot sizes: 20,152
hercul44 has One Pair: Queens
00jack541t has Three of a Kind: 6s
00jack541t wins 20,152 from side pot #3 with: Three of a Kind: 6s
Pani4er has Straight, 9 high Pani4er wins
42,951 from side pot #2 with: Straight, 9 high
Pani4er wins
9,499 from side pot #1 with: Straight, 9 high
Pani4er wins
1,840 with: Straight, 9 high
00jack541t: 87?
П.С. это фришка 500 на ПКР, 14 из 69 иду