Абсолют - читеры

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Сегодня... несколько минут назад произошла такая ситуация...
Stage #1589518330 Tourney ID 4040739 Holdem Single Tournament No Limit 40 - 2009-04-12 13:55:57 (ET)
Table: 28237784 (Real Money) Seat #6 is the dealer
Seat 4 - NUGULA (1490 in chips)
Seat 6 - PACCBET (1510 in chips)
PACCBET - Posts small blind 20
NUGULA - Posts big blind 40
Dealt to PACCBET [3d Jc]
PACCBET - Calls 20
NUGULA - Raises 80 to 120
PACCBET - Calls 80
*** FLOP *** [Js 3c Qh]
NUGULA - Bets 240
PACCBET - All-In(Raise) 1390 to 1390
NUGULA - All-In 1130
PACCBET - returned (20) : not called
*** TURN *** [Js 3c Qh] [10h]
*** RIVER *** [Js 3c Qh 10h] [10d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
NUGULA - Shows [Ac As] (Two Pair, aces and tens)
PACCBET - Shows [3d Jc] (Two Pair, jacks and tens)
NUGULA Collects 2980 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total Pot(2980)
Board [Js 3c Qh 10h 10d]
В принципе - раздача вторична, хотя переезды уже НАДОЕЛИ
Seat 4: NUGULA (big blind) won Total (2980) All-In HI:(2980) with Two Pair, aces and tens [Ac As - P:As,P:Ac,B:10h,B:10d,B:Qh]
Seat 6: PACCBET (dealer) (small blind) HI:lost with Two Pair, jacks and tens [3d Jc - B:Js,P:Jc,B:10h,B:10d,B:Qh]
После нее - мне пишут.. "вы заняли 2 место"... А у меня еще 20 фишек!
и тут следующая раздача...
Stage #1589518776 Tourney ID 4040739 Holdem Single Tournament No Limit 40 - 2009-04-12 13:56:18 (ET)
Table: 28237784 (Real Money) Seat #4 is the dealer
Seat 4 - NUGULA (2980 in chips)
Seat 6 - PACCBET (20 in chips)
NUGULA - Posts small blind 20
PACCBET - All-In 20
Dealt to PACCBET [2d 7d]
*** FLOP *** [5c 7s 8d]
*** TURN *** [5c 7s 8d] [8h]
*** RIVER *** [5c 7s 8d 8h] [9h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
NUGULA - Shows [9s Kd] (Two Pair, nines and eights)
PACCBET - Shows [2d 7d] (Two Pair, eights and sevens)
NUGULA Collects 40 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total Pot(40)
Board [5c 7s 8d 8h 9h]
Seat 4: NUGULA (dealer) (small blind) won Total (40) HI:(40) with Two Pair, nines and eights [9s Kd - P:9s,B:9h,B:8h,B:8d,P:Kd]
Seat 6: PACCBET (big blind) HI:lost with Two Pair, eights and sevens [2d 7d - B:8h,B:8d,B:7s,P:7d,B:9h]
Н-да.. можно конечно сказзать, что у меня тормознутый инет... но неприятный осадок - остался...
Сегодня... несколько минут назад произошла такая ситуация...
Stage #1589518330 Tourney ID 4040739 Holdem Single Tournament No Limit 40 - 2009-04-12 13:55:57 (ET)
Table: 28237784 (Real Money) Seat #6 is the dealer
Seat 4 - NUGULA (1490 in chips)
Seat 6 - PACCBET (1510 in chips)
PACCBET - Posts small blind 20
NUGULA - Posts big blind 40
Dealt to PACCBET [3d Jc]
PACCBET - Calls 20
NUGULA - Raises 80 to 120
PACCBET - Calls 80
*** FLOP *** [Js 3c Qh]
NUGULA - Bets 240
PACCBET - All-In(Raise) 1390 to 1390
NUGULA - All-In 1130
PACCBET - returned (20) : not called
*** TURN *** [Js 3c Qh] [10h]
*** RIVER *** [Js 3c Qh 10h] [10d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
NUGULA - Shows [Ac As] (Two Pair, aces and tens)
PACCBET - Shows [3d Jc] (Two Pair, jacks and tens)
NUGULA Collects 2980 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total Pot(2980)
Board [Js 3c Qh 10h 10d]
В принципе - раздача вторична, хотя переезды уже НАДОЕЛИ
Seat 4: NUGULA (big blind) won Total (2980) All-In HI:(2980) with Two Pair, aces and tens [Ac As - P:As,P:Ac,B:10h,B:10d,B:Qh]
Seat 6: PACCBET (dealer) (small blind) HI:lost with Two Pair, jacks and tens [3d Jc - B:Js,P:Jc,B:10h,B:10d,B:Qh]
После нее - мне пишут.. "вы заняли 2 место"... А у меня еще 20 фишек!
и тут следующая раздача...
Stage #1589518776 Tourney ID 4040739 Holdem Single Tournament No Limit 40 - 2009-04-12 13:56:18 (ET)
Table: 28237784 (Real Money) Seat #4 is the dealer
Seat 4 - NUGULA (2980 in chips)
Seat 6 - PACCBET (20 in chips)
NUGULA - Posts small blind 20
PACCBET - All-In 20
Dealt to PACCBET [2d 7d]
*** FLOP *** [5c 7s 8d]
*** TURN *** [5c 7s 8d] [8h]
*** RIVER *** [5c 7s 8d 8h] [9h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
NUGULA - Shows [9s Kd] (Two Pair, nines and eights)
PACCBET - Shows [2d 7d] (Two Pair, eights and sevens)
NUGULA Collects 40 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total Pot(40)
Board [5c 7s 8d 8h 9h]
Seat 4: NUGULA (dealer) (small blind) won Total (40) HI:(40) with Two Pair, nines and eights [9s Kd - P:9s,B:9h,B:8h,B:8d,P:Kd]
Seat 6: PACCBET (big blind) HI:lost with Two Pair, eights and sevens [2d 7d - B:8h,B:8d,B:7s,P:7d,B:9h]
Н-да.. можно конечно сказзать, что у меня тормознутый инет... но неприятный осадок - остался...