Дискуссия: Онлайн - битва форумов от рума Holliday poker (сеть ентракшн)(+1)

Multi-table Tournaments (MTT) and tournament poker
  • brianfisher
  • +4+5
  • 12 май 2009, 20:06 Сообщение
  • ?
Давно я не постил на выгорише, но тут вот пришла инфа от админа hollidaypoker.com, с которым я в хороших отношениях и он попросил ее опубликовать.
HollidayPoker.com Presents The Poker Forum & Player Challenge Shoot Out And Mini Rake Race!

HI, my name is Friðgeir Sveinsson owner of Holliday Poker I like to invite you and your members to our Doc Holliday Poker Shoot Out Challenge! Take home some cold hard cash and bragging rights! We will have a limit invite to this event and after looking at your club we love to have you and your members joins us in this great promotion.



The Challenge break down:

Starting MAY 22th

The Poker Forum Challenge Shoot Out!

We'll be running 3 poker champ events per week. To enter the Challenge simply setup your affiliate account HollidayPoker.com. Once your entry is confirmed, go ahead and start getting your players on your team, using your affiliate tracking link and banners for HollidayPoker.com

Now the bottom Line!

Each event will have a 200€ free roll top 9 get paid the cash TOP 3 get points

No Buy in! Unlimited 3€ re buy up to first break if Chip stack is under 1000 Chips

1st place winner in each event -3 points

2nd place winner in each event -2 points

3rd place winner in each event -1 point

For each of your players that get points these are added onto your forum total , The Forum that Reigns Supreme we will also run a FreeRoll for just his members that used his tracking link Also

€1000! For the affiliate to do with what his likes, this is our way to say thank you for joining and promoting the best site online!

The top player that is awarded the most points and Winner of the Challenge Shoot Out will take home not only the bragging rights but cash also.

Everybody wins!

Other Prizes include the following:

The Player who has received the most points overall from any HollidayPoker.com Poker Champ!

Award: €1000!

2nd point player €750

3rd point player €500

Please note, if players are tied in points for position last game will be played for just them to get the top 3 winners

Experience the thrill of online poker. HollidayPoker.com redefines

To make this a little more interesting we will add a mini Rake Race to the Challenge.

Top 3 VIP after 12 Tournaments will receive a 100€ deposit in to their account.

And again after the Challenge is over.

Total VIP prize pool of 600€ to top of the tournament Challenge Players.

Can this get any more fun?

Tournament Challenge Event Time and Dates.

May 22nd at 24:00 CET - No Buy in - 3€ Rebuy no limit to first break.
May 23rd at 24:00 CET - No Buy in - 3€ Rebuy no limit to first break.
May 24th at 24:00 CET - No Buy in - 3€ Rebuy no limit to first break.
May 29th at 24:00 CET - No Buy in - 3€ Rebuy no limit to first break.
May 30th at 24:00 CET - No Buy in - 3€ Rebuy no limit to first break.
May 31st at 24:00 CET - No Buy in - 3€ Rebuy no limit to first break.
June 5th at 24:00 CET - No Buy in - 3€ Rebuy no limit to first break.
June 6th at 24:00 CET - No Buy in - 3€ Rebuy no limit to first break.
June 7th at 24:00 CET - No Buy in - 3€ Rebuy no limit to first break.
June 12th at 24:00 CET - No Buy in - 3€ Rebuy no limit to first break.
June 13th at 24:00 CET - No Buy in - 3€ Rebuy no limit to first break.
June 14th at 24:00 CET - No Buy in - 3€ Rebuy no limit to first break.
June 19th at 24:00 CET - No Buy in - 3€ Rebuy no limit to first break.
June 20th at 24:00 CET - No Buy in - 3€ Rebuy no limit to first break.
June 21st at 24:00 CET - No Buy in - 3€ Rebuy no limit to first break.
June 26th at 24:00 CET - No Buy in - 3€ Rebuy no limit to first break.
June 27th at 24:00 CET - No Buy in - 3€ Rebuy no limit to first break.
June 28th at 24:00 CET - No Buy in - 3€ Rebuy no limit to first break.
July 3rd at 24:00 CET - No Buy in - 3€ Rebuy no limit to first break.
July 4th at 24:00 CET - No Buy in - 3€ Rebuy no limit to first break.
July 5th at 24:00 CET - No Buy in - 3€ Rebuy no limit to first break.
July 10th at 24:00 CET - No Buy in - 3€ Rebuy no limit to first break.
July 11th at 24:00 CET - No Buy in - 3€ Rebuy no limit to first break.
July 12 at 24:00 CET - No Buy in - 3€ Rebuy no limit to first break.

Вобщем суть в том, что в рамках промо-акции сайт решил провести битвы между форумами, при этом готов бесплатно выделить на фрироллы да 200 евро на каждый (особо внимательно не читал, так на беглый взгляд, может не так понял). Просьба, если кто-нибудь заинтересовался из администрации (так как нужно до 27 мая согласовать регламент) - а я уверен, пользователи выгориша, особенно новички, не против фрироллов по 200 евро написать сюда, а затем связаться с владельцем рума. Надеюсь не зря постил

  • EGOG
  • +230+73
  • 12 май 2009, 21:10 Сообщение
  • ?
  • 1
играл в том руме, рум действительно не стесняется выставлять турниры заведомо с оверлеями.. +1
советую обратить внимание на это предложение
не ждите чуда, чудите сами!

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